What is Evolution? Define in detail and give your position on the origin of Homo sapiens.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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What is Evolution? Define in detail and give your position on the origin of Homo sapiens.
Posted by
7:45 AM
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Thought the changes in one generation may be small, differences add up with each generation and can over time, cause huge changes in the organisms. This process can result in the emergence of new species.
I am not 100% sure about my opinion on either side. My opinion is that God created Humans??
Evolution is the changing of gentics of organisms from one generation to the following generation. The changes are small, and not fully visible, but they do become more visible with time, adn causes big changes in the organisms. Evolution may end with a new species
I believe that Homo Sapiens have evolved from another species. (whether it be ape or otherwise)
Evolution, thay is the changing of gentics of organisms from one generation to the next upcoming generation. The changes maybe Minuscule, and not fully visible, but over time they become more visible, and causes large changes in an organisms. Evolution does have a chance to make a new species
in my opinion i believe that Homo Sapiens have evolved from another species. those species could have come from apes, but could have also come from something else.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Thought the changes in one generation may be small, differences add up with each generation and can over time, cause huge changes in the organisms. This process can result in the emergence of new species.
I am not for sure about my opinion on either side. My opinion is based on my religion
Evolution is a change of a king of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
My opinion is not 100% but its mostly about my religion.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of an organisms from one generation to the next. Eventually, these small changes can result in a huge change in the organisms over a long period of time. This process results in the emergence of new species.
In my opinion, God created humans.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of an organism from one generation to the next. While these changes may be small, over time, they add up, and create a large difference in the organisms genetic material. This is how a new species is born.
Im not sure about my opinion because of religion and stuff.
Evolution is the changing of genetics from one to genetation to following. The changers are tiny, but built up and become more visible over time, which will result in fairly large changes for the organism. This may result in a new species.
I've always had inner turmoil with this question because I believe in adam and eve but also that home sapiens evolved from another species. Perhaps they are related. or im wrong. =}
Evolution is the changing of genetics from one to genetation to following. The changers are very miniscule,but they become built up and become more visible over time, which will result in fairly large changes for the organism. Sometimes, this may result in a new species.
I think the homosapiens evolved from earlier mammals like monkeys and apes.
P.S: Hi Mr. Burns :)
evolution is change in the genetic material of organisms from one generation to the next. even though the changes are really small they become more visible with time and cause changes in the organism.
i belive that Homo sapiens evolved from either monkeys or apes..
Evolution: is the growth and development of a population of organisms from generation to generation. Over time changes in the genetic composition can be either small or big, but eventually through generations the changes will add up and can make an even bigger change in organisms.
My opinion is that God created us.
Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
and i believe god created the world and everything in it.
Evolution is the change in the genetic material or an organism from the first generation to the next. Through the changes in one generation may be minute and support no factual evidence, people try their best to link humans to the beginning of life. Their idea of evolution is over time, these minute, or MICRO changes in these species, have resulted in human life. Although there is no bride to link humans to any other species, people will keep looking.
MY view on evolution. Hmmm, evolution is a strong word, i believe there is such thing as MICRO evolution, meaning over time, species will adapt to their surroundings, but therir genetic base will never change. That would be MACRO evolution. Saying that one species, miraculously changes into another. My view on this is from the fact that, there are no facts on this. Charles Darwin found different birds, of Different species. He noticed that these birds have different beaks for different uses, but these are all, Differnt species, not one species evolved into 4 new ones. The pig man from the west, was really just a pig tooth stuck in a dead guy's mouth. Shall i go on....? I'll say that, i am a born again Christian, believe that Jesus Christ is my lord and Savior, and MACRO evolution is false.
Evolution is a change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. The changes are small, sometimes not really visible, but they become more visible with time, and causes big changes in the organisms. Evolution could possible end with a new species.
As for my opinion...i do not have a strong opinion one way or the other, I think the most logical one would be evolving from an ape or something else but i do have faith that god created humans. (sorry that probably didn't make sense :P)
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though the changes produced in any one generation are small, differences accumulate with each generation and can, over time, cause substantial changes in the organisms. This process can culminate in the emergence of new species.
I believe God created humans :)
Evolution: any process of formation or growth; development. Also, change in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
In my opinion, God created humans.
Evolution is the change in genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. The changes in one generation may be not very much, but, over time, differences occur more often with each generation. New species are the result of this process.
I believe that God created humans.
Evolution is the change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. These are slight changes, but, over time, each generation produces more differences. The organisms change a lot as a result. This process creates new species.
In my opinion, God created humans.
evolution is the change of genetic material of a speieces over a period of time the change takes a long time to occur but it changes in every generation a little and a little more and the process will end up leading to an almost differnt species but they can trace their roots back to humans
i belive that god created the universe which created the earth in the big bang, earth with in time created a cell and so forth.
Evolution is a change in the genetic material of organisms in a population from one generation to the next generation. Some changes are small but these small changes add up with each generation and can cause huge changes in the organisms over time.
I believe that God created humans, but humans evole themselves.
evolution-is when a kind of oranism changes over time process by wich a modern organism descended from ancient organisms.
i am not sure that homeo sapiens evolved from monkeys but that their has to be a creater of life. and mabe that is what god wanted to do.
Evolution is the change of the genetic makeup of an organism over time. The changes are very gradual, but make a large difference over time. The species with beneficial adaptations will survive and reproduce but the unfit will die off.
I believe that evolution is true.
Part 1: Evolution is the process by which species of organisms arise from earlier life forms and undergo change over time through natural selection.
Part 2: I agree with Sharon, I definitely believe that God had some part in it. It is foolish to ignore the evidence that we have found, but I do not believe that all this took place without God.
evolution is the changes from ape to human, or wolf to dog, over millions of years we evolve and change, the wolves that were nice breeded with each other to make dogs over time with flappy ears and curly tails.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. This process includes new species coming from other species.
I agree with ethan, but I believe God created the universe and every animal, bird, beetle, monkey, and human. :)
Evolution is the changing in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though the changes in one generation may be small, differences add up with each generation and can over time, make big changes in the organisms. This process can result in the emergence of new species.
I believe that god created humans and evolution is stupid
Evolution is the change in an organism over time. It is the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
I believe evolution is true, and I do not understand how anyone who is given the scientific evidence can ignore it and claim that evolution does not exist. It is okay to believe in God - I do, but that does not mean evolution does not exist. We cannot ignore what is right in front of us. Those who do not believe in evolution, but rather that God created humans, most likely believe so because of the bible and Adam and Eve. But if you think about it, the bible was written many years ago, before they had the scientific evidence that we now possess. I believe the bible cannot always be taken literally; however, all the stories have a lesson that contains truth. For example, the truth in Adam and Eve is that we do have sin and give in to temptation. We can learn the lesson that their story tells us, but we cannot think that because the bible says they were the first humans, that it is literally true. I believe God is love, and those who wrote the bible probably believed the God who loved them, created them perfectly. This made sense because they needed a theory for why humans exist - and that is what they came up with. Just as they believed earth to be the center of the universe, they naturally thought themselves to be made by God as a superior race. And just as the earth theory was disproved, the creation of humans as humans from the start is now disproved. I believe all people possess a degree, no matter how big or small, of arrogance, and I think people want to believe themselves to be a superior race and cannot imagine how we could have descended from something lower like apes and that God had not specifically designed us. God could still have had humans in mind, but he did not necessarily go "POOF" and there we were. Evolution makes sense, we must believe in science, but we also must believe that there is some higher power - love - working in our universe.
(sorry it's so long - I hope it makes sense, and I hope it convinces someone or helps someone have a firmer understanding of evolution)
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. THe changes in a generation may be small, and not fully visible, but they do add up and become more visible over time, and cause big changes in organisms. This could end with a new species.
I think that Homo Sapiens evolved from apes or another species.
Evolution is pretty cool its the change of genetics of organisms from one gen to the next gen. the changes ma be small but after awhile they are visible and cause big change. New species can be formed from evolution.
God did it.
Taylor Bower
Period 1
Evolution is the change of an organism over time; the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
My opinion is, I'm trying to keep my opinions to myself.
Evolution is the growth and development of a population of organisms from generations. Over time there will be changes in the development of humans. It can result in other species which also gradually change.
I think God created everything.
Evolution is change in an organism over time by witch modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms. i believe in god and not in evolution because their has to be a creator of an organism to be life and that god made us animals individually.
Jack Robinson
period 1
stephanie verheyen
period one
evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next.
i don't believe in evolution at all. i think its the stupidest idea anyone has ever come up with. but if some people choose to believe that we come from apes then okay. ;/ i believe that God created humans. i mean, really, the human body is too perfectly designed for it to match any kind of animal. i know that we are evolving a lot, but but i don't think physically. i think the world around us is speeding up and changing and we are just keeping up with its technology and knew ideas. because really, if we are evolving to become better versions of humans what are we going to look like in 1000 years, like robots or something?? come on guys that physically impossible!! i am a christian so that affects my opinion a ton, but still even if i was i would have a really hard time understand why we can't see half ape half human people walking around...
Evolution is change in the genetic material of one organism to the next generation of that organism. While these changes may be small, over the course of time, they add up, and create a significan't difference in the organisms genetic material. The result is a new species.
I don't believe in the whole creation of man by God thing. I believe that we evolved from apes.
Evolution is change in a kind of organism over time and the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
i believe evolution is true and valid.
erika richards
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Thought the changes in one generation may be small, differences add up with each generation and can over time, cause huge changes in the organisms. This process can result in the emergence of new species.
i think that mabey we just did come from something smaller and over time we learned that the way we were was not fit for the place we lived in.
Evolution is the change of genetic material of population of organisms from one generation to another. Even though the changes are very small, they become more visible and cause to change to the organism.
I believe the homo sapiens have evolved from other species.
Evolution is the change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
In my opinion i believe that god created earth and humans....but some may think otherwise
Evolution is the changing of gentics of organisms from one generation to the following generation. The changes are small, and not fully visible, but they do become more visible with time, adn causes big changes in the organisms.
im gunna have to go with my gut reaction which is the idea that yes the concept of elvoltion is real up to a point and that god (jesus) is real.
Evolution is changing of gentics of orgnismis from one gereration to the following generation. though the changes in one gereration may be small, differences add up with each generation and can change over time. Evolution can cause big changes in the organism and can result in the emergence of new species.
I believe that god created homo sapiens which evolved into humans and will continue evolving and adapt to our surroundings.
evolution is the change of genetics of a population of organisms from one generation to the following generation. the cnanges can be small and not completely visible but they become clearer through out time. this process can result in new species.
we were not just made out of thin air by god. there is scientific proof that we have evolved from something.
whether it be apes or something else
milan gray
per 1
i think its horribly stupid for someone to think that some who is a figment of the imagination could make us and everything in the world. if god is the all mighty powerful one that controls everything, i think hes doin a prettty bad job because the world is soooo messed up you would think he is deranged in the head. EVOLUTION IS A PROVEN FACT! the only reason that everyone believes in god anyway is because their newport beach parents raised them to believe so. they are all sheltered and spoiled and dont know the value of a dollar. id like to see them go one day in someone else's shoes. but they would prolly only try if they got mommy and daddy's "ok"
Evolution is the change in an organisms DNA according to mutations given to the animal. These mutations are what allow species to survive and adapt to an environment and to create new species.
I believe that homo sapiens are the result of evolution.
Evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Thought the changes in one generation may be small, differences add up with each generation and can over time, cause huge changes in the organisms. This process can result in the emergence of new species.
I believe that we have evolved from another species. Those species could have come from apes, but could have also come from something else.
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