Write a brief summary about yourself.
1)What do you like to do? (hobbies, sports, music interests, etc)
2)What are your goals for this class? Do you have a goal?
3)What did you do over the summer break?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Biology Blog # 1 Due Sept.12th by midnight
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8:35 PM
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Hello there Mr. Burns!!!
Okay, well here is this little tidbit about ME! What I like to do: Well, for sports... I am a girl on the NHHS wrestling team (yah, I wrestle). My Hobbies include: helping out the homeless, cleaning the house, hanging out with friends (when my mom allows it), crashing my bike, volunteering with children, doing homework... ALL THE TIME! and last but not least i do youth and government (y&g) and every year I work with the YMCA and i go and take over the capitol! Fun Stuff!
OK, now music... I love the band Mayday Parade. My favorite song is Not a Second To Waste. and yah just too much to type. My goal for the class is to get an A. Should be easy. My goal in life is to become a world known Cardiologist and America's Next Top Model to promote Heath and Beauty to our nation. Totally just kidding, but I do want to be a Heart Surgeon.
What I did this summer! Well for the first week I went to a YMCA camp on Catalina Island called Camp Fox. Then I hung out with friends for two weeks. and then I went to another camp called Camp Miehana up in the San Bernadino mountains. I volunteered as a counselor. It was fun to impact the kid's lives in a positive way :) The day I got back from that camp I got on a plane and went to Virginia to visit my grandma and my 17 year old uncle, Cameron! He is my favorite person in the whooooole world! I was there for two weeks and then I came home for a week. and for the second to last weekend of summer, I volunteered at a Y camp for special needs kids. It was one of those "good for the soul" experiences. Finally, I would like to thank you for having me in your class!
P.S. my favorite color is blue... and I tried to make this as interesting as I could... but what can I say, I'm just a super interesting person :))))
Hi Mr. Burns this is my summary about myself... im not a very outgoing person, I like to play games and watch tv and play games. My goals for this class are to pass with 100% or better and to participate in as much as I can. I went camping during the summer in the mountains and I also went shooting with my dad. I didnt do much else over my summer but it was fun.
hey mr.Burns this is LUIS MILLAN, well i enjoy watching many different sports, but what i really have a passion for is soccer. i also enjoy playing vidoe games with my friends. my favorite european soccer team has been since I was..7is Barcalona.this i didnt do much. i was always just hanging out with friends. worked a little while but not much. oh and i was able to talk to my dad after like 2 years so yeah i guess that was kinda cool. this i gotta step it up and do good in school. ill show up on time to every class and not ditch (its a bad habit) well thats pretty much it.
Hey there Mr.Burns
Well i play the Trombone in Newport Habor Sailor Marching Band(I like jazz). I was born in flordia i want to go to Michagan State (college) and i want to mager in Anatony minor in biology or music.
hi mr.burns<3
my name is briana chavez in your 2nd period.well i'm type person that loves taking chances in life."life is a risk" i love meeting new people,having a good time at parties with my friends.i am a Latina,Puerto RICAN & CUBANA.I DO SPORTS SUCH AS SOFTBALL,CHEERLEADING& I STILL DO GYMNATICS FOR ABOUT 8 YEARS NOW SO YEA I'M PRETTY EXCITING PERSON WITH ALOT OF DREAMS IN THIS WORLD.
i am a very quiet person in class, but not outside of it, and i hate homework....
my favorite thing to do is ballet and lyrical dancing. I am in Arreis dance 3.
my goal in this class is to get an A, and not forget everything i learn in the class.
over the summer i spent all my time with friends, doing some interesting things like: binocular soccer! it is soooo much fun! definitely try it. we got the idea off a Japanese game show.
Hello Mr.Burns
It's Juan Francisco Velazquez I like to hear music and play my video games.I also like to play soccer and basketball when we go to the park or when I have spare time. My goals for this class is to pass so I don't have to take again; no offense. During the summer my aunt was in & out of the hospital, becauseher baby was premature which means her baby was in risk of dying. They had to operate her, because the baby was behind and not in front. We also did fireworks on July fourth. My step father came from Kentucky. He went and brought us shoes. He also took us to the park with our aunt. He also took our aunt and us to Chuck E. Cheese. But most of the summer I work with my dad. My dad works in lawnscapeing or gardening.
My favorite color is red.I also like to ride my bike. I am very queit. I try not to sleep in class. I also try to bring the homework on time when I do it.
From Period 6
well howdy mr.burns! =]
Me llamo Celeste. I'm in your 6th period class. well, lets see, i can be kinda shy at first,but if i feel your comfortable and chill to talk to,i will definitly speak up. I love hanging out with friends.I dance aswell.Uhhm as far as school goes, homework is the only thing thats a bugger.=[ I like going to football games and i like to go on the computer as much as possible. I will admit that I'm kind of a social butterfly,but it not as bad as you think it is.haha I help at my church ALOT. almost every other day.My goals for this class is to maintain a good grade and try my hardest. AHH this summer..=] I did quite a few things this summer. I went to Santa Barbara and a beach near by it called Refugio. I hung out with friends most of the time and just had as much fun as i could before coming back to school!!
favorite color is purple! =]
I love to play guitar, surf, and hang with friends, I also love Metallica.
My goals for this class is to get an A and try to learn everything I can.
I surfed just about everyday this summer. I didn't go anywhere unfortunately, so i just stayed at home and surfed local spots. I also spent a lot of time with family and friends.
Hey Mr.Burns its me Brenda Munoz frm period:6 and this heres some facts about me. in my spare time i like to dance and hear music and i would some day have two side careers with are my passion to be a famous coreographer nad a makeup artist.Im really excited to start off the year with biology,and im also planning to set up some goals for your class as well as for the others.my goals this year in your class would be to be pay closer attention in ur class so that i can finish my assignments in class and turn them in on time to keep a good grade in ur class.During this summer i was over at mexico and got the chance to visit some beautiful places. I also got the chance to go visit some of my reletives and do my 15 over there i think it was a blast.
hey mr burns im in your 4th period class i like to hang out with my freinds and go to the beach alot. I am on the wrestling team. MY goals for this class is to at least get an A or B.this summer break i went to the beach two times a week i also went to go play soccer with my freinds at the park.thats preatty much it
Hey this is Jesse Torres. Well my sport that is play that you really already know is football. I love to play this sport. I like to go to the beach with my friends and family. I like really most music except medal. Well my goal for your class is to just get good grades and have a fun time in your class. Over the summer I went to mexico for 1 week. I was at football most of the summer and had a great time. I went to the beach mostly everyday. I had a pretty good summer.
hello Mr. Burns!! :)
Im Lexi. I am the NHHS cross country team and i also do Track and field. So yeahh I run alot!!! I also like playing soccer and going to the beach!!!! One of my favorite things in the world to do is snowboard!!! I love it sooo much!! I use to live back east in Cape Cod, MA and drive up to Maine or new Hampshire or Vermont like all the time! I love traveling epically out of the country. My goals for this class are to do really good!! like A's!! I dont ditch like at all and am usually on time. my summer was pretty chill.. I went to Catalina with a couple of my friend did some wake boarding there and jus went to the beach alot and hung with my friends!! I got a summer job as a water park lifeguard at wild rivers so that was pretty cool and went to cross country camp. so yeah thats it!!
HEy Mr. Bruns whats up!!!!!!
One of my hobbies is drawing and I Im also on the newport harbor high school Lacrosse team.
My goal in this class is to pass with a A+ and nothing lower. Beacouse I had failed last year in miss barry's bio class.
I went to Utah for vication and worked on the house we have over there.
Hope i will have a great year in your class!!!!
Hey Mr. Burns, the thing i like to do most is play video games and skate. Usually i play World of Warcraft but on occasions i use the xbox360 for Call of Duty 5. My summer was basically filled with these activity's, i compete against other players in arenas where you have a team consisting of 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5. As far as skateboarding goes, i usually only go with friends. We usually go random places and either just cruise around or chill.
Science has, and always will be one of my favorite subjects. Things can get tough but very interesting in some classes. Considering you seemed to be a awesome teacher the first day at class, I'm sure you can keep me and all of the others interested in this complex subject. I'm sure, just like everyone else in the classroom has the same goal, "Pass, and learn" for future knowledge. I hope, this year can be fun for all of us :P.
hey burns this is klobe, you already know me, and i have already done this, but let me tell you a little more about me. I like to travel to different countries and i love to ride bikes. In addition i like the beach and the mountains. I skate and snowboard in my spare time. I dont really mind school and look forward to having a blast in burns biology haha.
Whats up Mr. Burns, What i like doing so much things but, what i like doing the most is going shopping,swimming,and much more. My goals for this class is to get great test scores. I also want to put my nausea's aside so that i can be able to disect frogs and other animals. Over the summer i went to Mexico. i had so much fun.i would ride motorcycles with my cousins, go shopping, and just hang with friends. So that was pretty much it.
Hello im in to sports like soccer, music, and basketball. I wanna do my best in class to get a good grade. In summer vacation i went to the beach with my family. During the trip all of us were looking at the Marine animals like we saw Crabs, Sand Dollars, Fish, and SeaStars.
P.S u can call me Sparky and favorite color is blue
hi mr burns
well i like to skateboard,play the drums, and go to shows with friends. I am a stat girl on the wrestling team and i love it!!
my favorite thing to do everyday is think about life. i love star wars because i like to think about how they should be watched 123456 or 456123
i want to do well in this class and with your good teaching i hope to do so!!!
this summer i went bowling
Hey Coach Burns,
Well I like to play and watch football those are my main hobbies. I also like to sleep when i can after a long week of practice. This year in your class I want to get an "A". Well I'm looking forward to a fun year in your class. Also during the summer I didn't do much because I had football all summer as you know.
hey my name is kristina agopian and i like to listen and play music on the piano. i also love to go snowboarding every winter. my goal for this class is to get a passing grade and get through the disecting parts of the class. i did alot of things over the summer.one of my favorites was going to San Fransisco with my cousins. it was really fun there. i actually consider it to be an extention of the east coast.funny huh.
Waz up mr..burns!!
This is Jason aviles a.k.a baby jay.
A little about me is that I play football
For the school and on my free time I
Love to sleep.my goals for this class
Are not to got to sleep in class and to
Get an A.what I did this summer was
I went to a week long camp in Arizona
With some of my good friends and I also
Went to football camp witch was a blast
By the way..that's it
Hey Mr. Burns!!!
Tom Islava of period 4, me,is gonna give some inside of myself.Okay,some of the things I like to do is go on Youtube,and I do some kind of music swap on there....not to mention I go on there EVERY SINGLE $#@$*^%& DAY!!!!All right those symbols are for fun and I don't like to swear.Another thing I like to do is play on the piano and keyboard.To tell you the truth, I even play music that I made up... WITHOUT lessons!!!Also on Youtube,
I like listening to one of my favorite types of music,soundtrack music, even though I also like other classic music like Stevie Wonder and Elton John. Oh not that I don't like the Fray.
Now, one of the goals I'm trying to do in class this year is trying to become more attentive so I can remember more words for my tests.
And now for what I did this summer.
To tell you the truth I mostly just hang out at my house. But I did do things like going to the beach,mostly because my dad lives at the beach.And I went to the fair a few times,where I tried on the new ride the Disk-o,and where I also went Inside Al's Brain starring Weird Al.But also at the fair,I also been to a Disney concert,but didn't know there were gonna be singers there.
So now I hope this comment would be enough for you to know about me.
hey Mr.Burns
Well to start off the things like hobbies i like to skate, hang out with my friends and go to disneyland. sometimes go to the pool or beach. Well my goal in this class is to learn as much of biology as possible and do my best at it. To be honest i dont like bio really much but science is my best subject. This summer i went to disneyland about five times and went to catalina with my friends that was awesome. p.s my favorite science is astronomy
hello! MrBurns well what i love to do is hang out with my friends and play soccer when i have time my goals in the class is to do the best i can and learn alot and of course get a good grade...my goal is to finish highschool and go to a college i still dont know which one to go to but yea....over the summer i went to Mexico had lots of fun with my family over there..i love to see everybody with a smile i like meeting new ppl and making ppl laugh...i think thats pretty much it...
sup Mr. Burns
heres a little about me, my favorite hobbie is bodysurfing im pretty awesome at it i go to the beach alot chillin with my friends and something prductive. my goal or this class is to pass and thats it. over summer all i really did was go to beach, parties, and just hanging with friends alot. thats my basic stuff about me
Hey mr.Burns
my name is katie rubio im in your 4th period. i love going out and going out with frineds. i usally go out and party with them when i could.im really quiet when i first meet people but when i get to know them i speak up and if there really cool to talk to to then ill be friendly. but if you get on my bad side im not that nice i have alot of haters but i really dont care about them. I also like using the computer and my phone its like me life. i hate doing homework but if its fun and cool to do then ill do it
well thats all i have to say
bye burns.
Heyy Mr Burns! Its Meghan, you know me already but whatever, in my spare time i like to hang out with my friends, mess around on the computer, and i love gymnastics. My goal for this class is to pass with a high grade.. hopefully throughout the whole year. Over summer break i just kinda hung out around my neighborhood, went to some parties, had some good and bad times. I went to Utah with my family and my best friend Miya, it was a lot of fun, we went bobsledding, zip lining, and much more. It was an unforgettable experience. Thats basically all.. haha!
What i like to do? I like to play football i on the newport harbor football team and i love to make food in a foods class this year oo and i like to hangout with my friends. My goals for your class is to learn a lot and to pass the class so i can go to collage. What i did over the summer? I hanged out with my friends over summer went paintballing a couple of times. Went to football camp got to hang out with all of my friends there to. I worked for a little over the summer at my dads work that was fun.
hi Mr. Burns my name is joey stupor im in your 4th period class,the things i like to do are, draw, swim, and hang out with friends...or sleeping. The goals I have for your class are to pay attention, do all my homework, and get good grades. The things I did over the break was go to the beach, white water rafting in Kernsville that was a very fun i also went to see my grand parent we did alot of things
hey burns well im on nhhs surf team im new to the school i did go to huntington and was on there team on jv i liked it a lot
my goal for your class is to get an A my parents really want me to and i want to try to get straight A's
over summer break i moved to newport and met alot of new friends and surfed and went to the beach a lot
hello Mr. Burns!:)
Okay, How should i start?..
What i like to do is spend time
with my boyfriend alot!
the sports that i like to play are:
soccer, basketball and volleyball.
i watch television, do my homework
well. im not in any of the school teams.
hang out, help my m,om and take care of my family!
im a really smart girl when i want to.
but sometimes i could bevery distracted but ill try not to do that in your class.
OHHH!!! i love listening to music:)
One of my goals is to gzaduate from high school and help my mom with everything she needs!
Summer 09' was the BEST summer that ive had i spend alot of time with my boyfriend his family and my family!
we went to alot of places like sixflags, knotts, Ontario, LA, the movies, the mall and alot moree!!
It was pretty funnn!!!:)
well thats about it i hope i did this right!
i'll see you tomorrow in class bye!!:)
Hi Mr. burns my name is jenny and iam in your 4th period class. Well iam a little bit shy and kinda quite person.. What i like to do is go out with my friends, go swimming, and play basket ball.My goal for this class is to get good scores on the tests and have a good grade in your class. What i did over the summer was go out with my friends i went to the beach and pretty much thats it.
mr. burns,
my name is catherine lafon, but all my friends call me cathy. i am in your 6th period.Write a brief summary about yourself. i love martial arts for one, i am almost a brown belt! so stoked. i love to read, music is cool, and im kinda into video games. haha. but mostly, its with my friends that i would prefer to be with. im not much of a science person, at all. but i can try to get a decent grade. a couple of the things i did this summer are: six flags, disneyland, beach, venice beach/l.a, santa monica, and the longest bike ride of my life, from newport beach to laguna beach.
lookin forward to your class (:
Bronte Wilhelm period 6 said ...
1) Horseback ride; draw and read.
2) To keep up with the school work.
3) Went up north to go camping with family in Pinecrest and to w, CA where I used to live. Hung out at the beach; worked at Environmental Nature Centre as a volunteer.
Hi Mr. Burns,
My name is Eduardo Gomez and I attend to your 2nd period class. I have four silibings including myself, but two of them are already adults and a smaller sister that's younger then me. What I like to do most is hangout with my friends. Sometimes I play soccer, go swim when its hot. My goal for this class is to maintain an "A" for both semesters and learn about biology. What I did over my summer break is worked, went to disneyland with friends, wild rivers, went to the beach, got in the pool, and hanged out with friends.
hi mr. Burns well the sporti like top play is soccer and i also like skating. my goals for this class is to get a good grade for your class and learn about biology. what i did for is i went to oakland to visit my family, i hang out with friends. also most of time been skate boarding and eating.
hi mr. Burns,
I attend to your 6 period class. Well the sports I like to play is soccer and i also like skating. my goals for this class is to maintain a good grade for your class and learn about biology. what i did over this summer is went to oakland to visit my family, and hung out with friends. also most of my time I been skate boarding and eating.
whaddup mr.burns? my names chelse buckley. hmm i love to dance, i've been dancing since i was like 3. i also love to attempt to surf, go to the beach, and hangout with my friends. My goals for this class is to learn alot more , and get an A or B . science is my favorite subject, so it shouldn't be too hard :) . Summer break..hm. it went by to fast ! i went to palm springs, turned 15 ,went to the beach, and just hungout with friends.
Hi Mr. Burns! on my free time i enjoy spending time with friends and family and going to the beach. im on the newport harbor cross country team. As for music, i enjoy everything! my goal for this class is getting A's throughout the year. over the summer break i went to washington to visit my grandparents.
by amber hollinger period 6
Hey there Mr. Burns!
My name is Jacob Barton and I have many interests. I'm very into music, and my ipod is filled with diverse artists and songs. I enjoy swimming and biking recreationally and for getting into shape. I collect foreign currency as a hobby, and have a large collection of coins and bills my Dad got for me in different countries all around the world.
My goal for this class is to do as well as I can and learn a lot in the process.
During the summer, I went to a summer camp in upstate New York called Tel Yehudah for three weeks. After that I did an extension program for another three weeks at Camp Judaea during which I completed a ten day Outward Bound course in Mt. Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina. During this program I learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of.
hiiii mr.burns!!!
sooo some things that i like to do are hanging out with my friends and family, going to the beach the normal things that a teenager likes to do. i like all kinds of music but mostly i listen to hip hop. i am a junior an the reason why im taking this class is because i didnt pass it last year. im hoping that i can pass it now an move on. i didnt really do anything special over the summer but i did go to palm springs a couple of times. i went camping. i went up to LA a numerous amount of times...all in all it was a great summer an im truly going to miss it.
wat up its jake ambrose aka. (KICKER). here is a lil sumtin bout me.
i love to kick it's like a theripy for me it gets me calm and focused and iv been doin it for 6yrs and i havent stoped (as you no). also i love to bodysurf at the wedge wen i have free time.
my goals for ur class are to do all my homework & do well on cornell notes so i can use them as a study guide and ACE ALL MY TESTS!
this summer i had football everyday and everyday after i would go to wedge wit some of my buddys and bodysurf. i also went to mexico for 1 week then wen we had that 3 week break from football i went to wedge wit friends everyday. summer was gnarly but it went to fast.
hey mr burns my name is oscar im in your 2nd period class i like to play soccer, listen to music and hangout with friends and family.during the summmer i played alot of soccer with my cousins, i also went to the gym. and on the weekends and some days during the week i went to work. my goals for this yr is to do but ther than last yr in all my classes and get an A or B in your class
Hey Mr. Burns my hobbies are surfing, skating,riding my bike, and hanging out with friends. My goal in this class is to try to get an A in the class. And not get into trouble anymore. This summer i surfed mostly in front of my house 18th street the point if you didnt know then i went on a cruise with my family.
What up
ok, I'm jamie and im normaly cald red or lil' orphan annie. I like to draw elutions, and i love to take photos of random stuff.im not much of a sport person but i in the NHHS marching band. Jamie also once in a will talks in third person. I use to be on the YMCA navy seals swimm teamm. I love football. I also love the beatles I'm a big fan. I have a sargent pepper broken heart band jacket. I also love Dr.domento. He is soo kool. I have a cat who thinks hes a dog.ummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! My goals for this class is to pass it and not fail. But if I'm failing im going to have to find a way to rais my grade. For a goal in life is to have a happy life first then find out whats next in life. Weeeeeeeeeellllllll. Over the summer I worked at sheope scout resevation at lost valley for 8 weeks. I got paid its a 100$ a week. Then a week to settle at home the left to washington. Spent to days in Seatle then went to Orcas Island for the 7 days. Then the next week came home and spent a week of freedom thin went to school. Sooooooooo ya thats my funn lif for now.
Hi Mr. Burns,
Im Alexis Brown, im a very shy person when im in class, i hate being called on to answer questions. In my spare time I like hanging with my friends, watching TV, and listening to music. My goal for your class is to pass with hopefully a "B". My summer was pretty fun, I just relaxed with friends and was greatful not to be in school. Im looking forward to your class this year.
A bit of about me, will some people know me as quiet and shy person but I’m actually not as quiet as people think I am but I am a shy person. I don’t like when the teachers call on me to go up in front of the class to read or to present. I like to go to the beach, movies, bike riding with friends, parties and etc. My favorite sport is soccer. I like to hear any type of music but not like jazz music. My goals for this class are to pass the class with a good grade and to try my best. Over the summer I went to the beach with my friends and went to the movies and went bike riding and etc…
Hey Mr. Burns,
On my free time i like to surf, skate, hang out with friends, and travel. In this class i hope to get an A and understand everything you teach. This summer i did a lot of traveling to Hawaii then Costa Rica then back to Hawaii. I also did a lot of surfing.
hello Mr Burns i am in your 2nd period class. i like to play soccer, hang out with my friends and listen to music.my goals for the class is to get a good grade. during the summer vacation i played soccer with my friends and visited family.
Hey Mr. Burns
I like to wrestle and go to the beach on my free time.
My goals for this class is to pass with an A this year.
During the summer I went to vegas for a week, and
I went to the beach a couple of times, also I learned to
fix car rims. So that's pretty much wath I did this summer.
Period. 3
Hello Mr. Burns!
I am Olivia Hovis and I am in your 2nd period class. I like to cook and see my horse at the stables daily. My goals in this class are to listen to you completely and turn in all assignments, as well as every other class. This summer I had ear surgery, so for 2 weeks I sat around recovering. For the rest of my summer I mostly hung out with friends. It was pretty laid back.
my names jack carey from 4th period. you obviously know me from baseball last year. the things i like to do is play baseball hang with friends play video games and go to the beach. my goal in this class is to pass with a A to A+. one of my goals in life is to play pro ball but i got a long road to go to get there. i didnt do much over break. except baseball camp and a tournament and i went to san diego for a day. i went to the beach mostly though. it was a good summer though. i look forward to learning a lot from you.
hey mr. burns, ok a little about my self, well some things i like to do are listening to music, reading books, and painting or drawing...
my goals for this class are to get an a and to turn in all of my assignments....
as for my summer it was really rather boring, i started out with summer school wich was a drag,and then for the last 3 weeks i helped my aunt and uncle evacuate because of the fires and then go back home...
Hello Mr. Burns
Will where can I start.
First my name is Charlie I’m a sophomore in high school in
per.3 some of the hobbies i like to do is play soccer of course and basketball and more!
I also like hanging out with my friends and family.
The music i like to listening to is Electro and some rock and raggae.
Well my goals in school is get good grade and of course in your class my goal is to get an A and to be sucessful!!
well this summer i went to lake tahoe with my family and went fishing and of course camping!
I also went to the beach and to some bonfires and did a little bit of skating and surfingg this summer
and had some tournaments for soccer and got frist place with my team and thats about it!
had a great summerr..
Hello Mr. burns,
Well during summer I practiced football for almost the whole summer, but i did go to the beach a lot too. I would like to get in A in this class this year and have fun too. I like to play football, go to the beach in my spare time, and hag out with friends too. Thats about it and i will see you in class and in football. Go Sailors!
Some of the hobbies i enjoy are playing soccer, hanging out with friend and family, going to the beach, watching movies etc. My main goal for this class is to learn about all the different ways to keep ur body healthy. Over the summer i went camping with family and friends, i also spent time with family in mexico.
Hi Mr. Burns!
There are a few things to know about me that im sure you dont know... but some you do! my hobbies/interests: i love going to football games, hanging out with my friends, going to the beach, riding my bike mainly to the beach, and going to the movies! i love music so i couldnt even begin to tell you my favorite songs and bands. My main goal for your class is to get an A and have fun doing it! Over the summer i went to the beach a lot i also volunteered at a day camp threw the city most the summer and that was really fun! my goal in life and after high school is to go to San Diego State, but I'm not sure what i want to do after college! my favorite color is pink and thats just about it! congrats on winning the game friday night! I'll see you in class on Tuesday :)
Hi Mr. Burns!
It's Sonia from your 2nd period!
Well to start off, I love being with my friends even if we don't do anything(we end up having a great time anyways). Soccer is my favorite sport and my favorite color is purple! I'm all about trying new things but I'll try not to touch your poisonous fishy(it's so tempting). My goal for this class is to pass with nothing lower than a B+ and to make it through the dissecting(eww). This was my summer, basically: babysit, OC Fair, beach, party, and shop. It was pretty chill, I'm looking forward to the rest of the school year! :)
Hey Mr. burns,
my hobbies include going to the beach, hangingout with friends, and eating mass quantities of food. My goal for this class is to pass with a high grade through out the year. Over the summer i went the beach everyday except two weeks because i went to france.
hey Mr. Burns
im Jimmy Chavez in your 3rd per. class. some of my hobbies r playing football and listining to music. my goal for bio is to finish the year of with an A. over the summer i went to the ftball summer camp and hung out wit my friends at the beach and movies.
Hey mr. burns, Emily Woods here. my hobbies are drawing, guitar, surfing occasionally in the summer, and snowboarding in the winter. I used to unicycle often, but id like to start doing that more. I love music, and any type of art. i also love spending times with my friends.
Getting an A in this class is my goal, along with all of my other classes.
Over summer break i went to new york to visit some family, and when I came home, just hungout with friends.
Hey Mr. Burns, this is Tom. My greatest passion is music. I love to play guitar and I’m always listening to music when I have the opportunity. At the moment, my favorite groups are Dave Matthews Band, Willy Porter, Butthole Surfers and The Black Angels. I love to spend time at the beach, I mostly body surf because I’ve never been good with a board, although I haven’t really put too much time into it. I swim competitively, including with Harbor during the season. My goal for this class is to get at least an A-, because according to my mom, I can only get one B on my report card this year and I'm not gonna get any higher than a B in math, so you can expect Ill be a good student in your class. This summer I basically did nothing but swim, go to the beach and play guitar everyday. I took a trip to New England late in August to see my Grandpa and the rest of mom's family. It was really good to see people again, but I prefer California.
This is Tom Fisher, I wrote the comment above. Sorry, I didn't put my last name.
Hey Mr. Burns this is Amanda Legault from your second period and I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. I love sports and I play basketball and softball for Newport Harbor. I also play softball for a travel team called the Sharks. I also love hanging out with my friends. I like pop and gospel music. I also play guitar. My goal for this class is to get no lower than a B and to learn alot about biology! This summer I mostly payed basketball and softball and hung out with my fiends.
Hey Mr. Burns
I love to go to the beach to bodyboard and bodysurff, Balboa pier is usually were im at. I also like photography but i didn't get into the class this year. My goal for this class is too maintain a good grade. Over the summer i was at the beach for the majority of my time.
Hey Mr. Burns.
Alrighty well some of my favorite things to to do are: Acting, singing, and dancing. And you might say "well if you like that stuff you should be in the plays and musicals" and my answer to that is I already have! I hope you'll come see the next
cont. from the comment above ^: upcoming shows "Macbeth" an "Once on this Island" My favorite bands include Mindless Self Idulgence, My Chemical Romance, Imperitive Reaction, Velvet Acid Christ, KMFDM, Owl City and Bad Religion.
My goal for this class iss to participate as much as possible and get an A+!
Everyday of my summer was terribly boring except for the days I spent with my girlfriend Jessi.
1) I like to play football and lacrosse
2)My goal is to get an A
3)I went to the east coast and had summer camp for football
Riley k. per.3
i like to fill my time with skating, school, and chilling with my dog patrick. I want to obtain my knowledge with biology. My summer was basically a long weekend.
Casey S. Period.3
I basically like to skate and skim. My goal is to pass with a good grade. This summer i was just at the beach everyday.
Yoo Mr. Burns
some of my hobbies are going to the beach and bodysurfing. I only like to bodysurf even though i have never tried surfing, it just doesn't look like a sport for me. One of my other hobbies is of course playing football. It takes most of the summer away but i still enjoy playing. I started playing football when I was 9 years old for the Newprt Mesa Seahawks (Junior All- American) and I absolutely loved it, minus the losing weight part. This summer all I pretty much did was go to football, ride to the beach, and hang out with friends. Unfortunately I had to miss a trip to Lake Mead due to football, but hopefully sticking with football paid off. Some of the goals for this class is to learn as much about life, animals, plants, and obviously get a good grade. Even though I am not very good at science I enjoy it very much. Thats pretty much it
Vince "Aqua" Aqueveque
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