1) Explain the difference between a bog, march, and a swamp.
2) Describe Ecological Succession.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Honors Biology Blog #5 due 10/18
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1) Explain the difference between a bog, march, and a swamp.
2) Describe Ecological Succession.
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11:48 PM
Adeline Leverich
Period 6
A Bog is wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter and occurs where the water at the ground surface is acidic. A marsh is a wetland which is subject to frequent or continuous flooding. The water in a marsh is shallow and features grasses, rushes, reeds, and sedges. A swamp is a wetland featuring temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water. Plants that grow in a swamp would be aquatic vegetation,or vegetation that tolerates periodical inundation.
1. A bog is a area of ground that is wet and accumulates a lot of acidic peat, or weedly material. Marsh is a soft, low lying, and grassy vegetation, thats often formed to a transition zone between water and land. Lastly a swamp is a wetland thats made of shrubs and trees, often found by rivers or streams.
2. Ecological succession is an observed process if change in the species structure or an ecological community over time.
The description of a bog is a damp, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegie matter and occurs where the h2O at the ground surface is acidic. A marsh is constant flooding. The ground or surface of the bottom is has grasses and reeds. Swamps are wetlands that feature temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water. Growing plants in a swamp usually would be aquatic vegetation or vegetation that tolerates periodical inundation.
a marsh is shallow small water that grows cattails
a swamp is like a flodded forest.
a bog is dominatee by moss, and its acidc
ecological solution is the change of a species over time
A bog is dominated by moss and is formed in a depression, and the water is very acidic. A march is shallow and is formed by rivers and has tall grasslike plants as well as cattails. In a swamp the water moves very slowly and looks like a flooded forest.
ecological sucession is the observed process of change that a species or cummunity goes through.
1. A marsh is an area of wet, soft, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land.
2. A swamp is a seasonally flooded bottom-land with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
3. A bog is an area having a wet spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs, herbs and sometimes trees usually grow.
Ecological succession is the observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time. Within any community some species may become less abundant over some time interval, or they may even vanish from the ecosystem altogether. Similarly, over some time interval other species within the community may become more abundant. or new species may even invade from adjacent ecosystems.
A marsh is an area of wet, soft, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land.
A swamp is a seasonally flooded bottom-land with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
A bog is an area having a wet spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs, herbs and sometimes trees usually grow.
Bog: wet ground,weedy plants,and the soil is acidic.
Marsh: woodlike plants, seasionaly flooded in water.
Swamp: forest that is supmerged in water.
Ecological Seccession: the evolution of species over time.
Bronte Wilhelm
a swamp is flooded flatland, identified by a growth of trees, highly acidic water and silty soil. the water in swamps are usually deeper than marshes or bogs.
a marsh differs from a swamp in its lack of any plant life bigger then a bush, and usually found around a still source of water such as a pond or a lake and is subject to flooding. a bog usually has low lying plant life such as peat moss and bushes, and is considered to be the driest of the three.
ecological succession is the changes in an environment.
a swamp is low land that is seasonally flooded. a swamp has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
1. A bog is a area of ground that is wet and accumulates a lot of acidic peat. Marsh is a soft, low lying, and grassy vegetation, thats often formed to a transition zone between water and land. Lastly a swamp is a wetland thats made of shrubs and trees, often found by rivers or streams.
2. Ecological succession is an observed process if change in the species structure or an ecological community over time.
A bog is formed where there is a depression, it is acidic and has lots of moss.
A marsh is typically shallow and flooded, it has grasses and reeds and cattails.
A swamp looks like a flooded forest and has aquatic vegetation
An Ecological Succesion refers to the perdictable and orderly in the compostion or structure of an ecological community
1. A bog is wet spongy, acid substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat and which shrubs and herbs grow. A marsh is low, wet, soft land that is temporally or permanently covered with water characterized by aquatic grass like vegetation. A swamp is a seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage then a bog.
2. Ecological Succession is the gradual change in an ecosystem bought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another in definite order until a stable community is established over a period of time
1. A bog is wet spongy, acid substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat and which shrubs and herbs grow. A marsh is low, wet, soft land that is temporally or permanently covered with water characterized by aquatic grass like vegetation. A swamp is a seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage then a bog.
2. Ecological Succession is the gradual change in an ecosystem bought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another in definite order until a stable community is established over a period of time
Swamps are forests that is supmerged in water.Bogs are wet grounds,weedy plants,and the soil of it is acidic.A Marsh is a wetland which is seasionaly flooded in water.
Ecological Seccession is the evolution of species over time which means it changes over time.
A bog is an area in the ground that is wet or spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegie matter and occurs where the water and ground surface is acidic. A marsh is basically a shallow swanp that has grass, rushes, reeds, and sedges. A swamp on the other hand looks like a flooded forest with trees and shrubs which bases are covered by water.
Ecological succesion is a process in which a species changes over time.
1. A bog is dominated by spaghum moss, which is generally very acidic. A marsh is a shallow wetland along a river that may be under water for all or part of the year. It contains tall, grasslike plants, cattails, and rushes. In a swamp, water flows slowly, and it looks like a flooded forest. The presense of trees and shrubs is what distinguishes a swamp from a marsh.
2. Ecological Succession is the observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time.
bog-dominated by moss and very aciic
marsh-shallow wetlands near rivers many have cattails
swamps- flooded forests many trees and shrubs
ecological succession- natural gradual changes in the types of species that inhabit an area
a bog is a swampy wetland, with soil composed of organic matter (cranberries are only grown in bogs) and the base is usually acidic. a marsh is wetland with a constantly changing and unpredictable amount of water, usually fills up after it rains. Because marshes are not deep, there are lots of grasses, reeds, and sedges that rise above the surface. a swamp is a wetland that contains pretty shallow water depths, but cover very large amounts of land. The plants that grow in swamps are known as aquatic vegetation.
A bog is an area having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs and herbs and sometimes trees usually grow.
A marsh is a tract of low wet land, often treeless and periodically inundated, generally characterized by a growth of grasses, sedges, cattails, and rushes.
A swamp is a tract of wet, spongy land, often having a growth of certain types of trees and other vegetation, but unfit for cultivation.
Ecological succession is an observed process if change in the species structure or an ecological community over time.
A marsh is an area of wet, soft, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often form of a transition zone between water and land.Swamp is a seasonally flooded bottom-land with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.A bog is an area having a wet spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs, herbs.
kevin gomez
period 1
1.A Bog is an area of ground that is wet dominated by sphagnum moss and is very acidic. A marsh is a shallow wetland along rivers that contain cattails. Swamps are wetlands that has the presence of shrubs and trees.
2. Ecological succession is the change of a species over time:primary and secondary
Cameron Geehr
Period 1
A bog is a wetland, dominated by moss, which has high acidity levels. It is formed by depressions where water collects. Marshes are shallow wetlands found near rivers. Many tall grasslike plants grow there.
Ecological succession is where smaller organisms are slowly replaced by larger organisms. Starts off as lichen on rock, then grows to grass, then to slightly larger plants, then to small trees, then to larger trees, and the animals habitats adapt to this. This process can be restarted with a natural disaster.
^And a swamp is a wetland, which is dominated by trees and shrubs, which differs from a marsh. Water moves slowly through it.
*I forgot to include swamp on the one b4 this
1. A bog is a wet, spongy ground with soil contained mostly of decayed vegetable matter, where as a marsh is a tract of low wetland generally characterized by a growth a grasses, sedges, cattails, and rushes. and a swamp is a wetland that features plants, trees, and shallow bodies of water.
2. Ecological Sucession: a natural, gradual change in the types of species that live in an area; can be primary or secondary.
Period- 1
1. A bog is typically formed in depressions where water collects. It's dominated by sphagnum moss, and the water in sphagnum is very acidic. Marshes are shallow wetlands along rivers. Which often contain rushes, coctails and other tall grasslike plants. Swamps have frequent flows of water which makes it look like a flooded forest.
2. Ecological Succession- is natural, gradual changes in the types of species that live in the area.
Sydney Fox
period 6
The difference between a bog, marsh,and a swap is that a swamp is like a flooded forest, a bog is like a dent in the ground that ground water fills into, and a marsh is flooded wetland surrounded with tall grasses and plants such as cattails. Ecological succession is the natural changes in the types of species that live in that area.
period 6
a bog is small depresion in the ground where water collects, a swamp is like a flooded forest, and a swamp is ground that is covered by a small amount of water for most or all of the year.
ecological succession= a natural, gradual change in the types of species that live in an area; can be primary or secondary.
A bog is covered in sphagnum moss, the water is very acidic, and is formed in depressions. A marsh is a shallow wetland along rivers and often contains cattails, rushes, and other tall grasses. A swamp looks like a flooded forest and the presence of trees distinguishes them. Ecological succession is a gradual change in living communities that follows a disturbance.
a swamp is a flooded forest. a march is like a river and has tall grasslike plants. bog is a wet, soft spongy like ground. an
ecological succession is a change of species over time
Maddie Collins
Period 6
1.A Bog is a wet spongy ground with water that is very acidic.It is formed by a depression. A Marsh is shallow and has tall grasslike plants as well as cattails it is formed by rivers. A Swamp looks like a flooded forest, the water moves extremly slowly.
2. Ecological sucession is the observed process of change that a species or cummunity goes through over time.
1) a bog is formed by a depression in the ground
a marsh has shallow water formed by rivers with tall grasses
a swamp is a flooded forrest with trees and shrubs
2) ecological succession is the observed process of change of speices over time
A Bolg is a weedy plants, the soil is acidic, and very wet.
A Swamp is a flooded flat-land with growth of trees surrounding it.
Marsh is a flooded low land with reeds and cattails.
Ecological Seccession is a time when the speices or enviorment changes.
~~Period 6~~
1) A bog is an area with wet, soggy land that is acidic and contains a lot of moss. A march is a soft area that is usually a transition zone between water and land and constantly flooded with more plant life than a bog. A swamp is usually an opening in the middle of a forrest always filled with slow-moving stagnant water surrounded by large trees and home to many organisms.
2) Ecological Succession is the observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time. Organisms that live in a community may decrease in population or vanish completely, new species can come from other ecosystems also.
1)A Marsh has shallow water and has large grasses. A bog has acidic soil and is dominated by moss. A swamp is a wetland that is covered by water for part of the year or all of the year and has some trees.
2)An ecological solution is a change in enviorment over time.
bogs- are wetlands formed indepressions
marshes- shallow wet land with lots of grass like plants
swamps- flooded forest mostly trees and shrubs
A bog is wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter.A marsh is a tract of low wet land, often treeless and periodically inundated, generally characterized by a growth of grasses, sedges, cattails, and rushes. A swamp is a tract of wet, spongy land, often having a growth of certain types of trees and other vegetation, but unfit for cultivation.
Ecological seuccession is predictable and orderly changes in the composition or structure of an ecological community.
1. Bogs have spaghum moss, depressions, and the water is acidic. Marshes are shallow and contain cattails and other tall, grasslike plants. Swamps are basically flooded forests and contain trees.
2. Ecological Succession is the natural replacement of one community by another through natural processes over time
A bog is a place where the ground is very wet and damp and has weeds and small plants growing in it and around it. Marshes are very shallow and contain plants like cattails and other tall grasslike plants. Lastly a swamp is a wetland forest that is flooded by water and has shrubs and tall trees. Ecological succession is the evolution of species over a period of time
Nicolette Poivre
1. A bog is wet spongy, acid substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat and which shrubs and herbs grow. A marsh is low, wet, soft land that is temporaly or permanently covered with water characterized by aquatic grass like vegetation. A swamp is a seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage then a bog.
2. Ecological Succession is the gradual change in an ecosystem brought about by the progressive replacement of one community by another in definite order until a stable community is established over a period of time.
Anna Hagadorn
Period 5
1. A bog is a wetland type that accumulates acidic peat with a wet, spongy ground composed of mainly decayed vegetable matter. A marsh is a tract of low wet land, often treeless and features grasses, rushes, reeds, sedges, and other herbaceous plants. Lastly, a swamp is a spongy and seasonally flooded wetland with more woody plants than marsh and better drainage than a bog.
2. Ecological succession is the observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time.
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