Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Honors Biology #2 - What are the Characteristics of Living Things?


Isaac Shearer said...

They are made up of cells, gather and use energy, grow and develop, reproduce, respond and adapt to their environment.

Christina Ferraro said...

Living things are made of cells (the building blocks of life)
Living things obtain and use energy.
Living things grow and develop.
Living things reproduce.
Living things respond to their environment.
Living things adapt to their environment.

(Per. 5)

Miles vinikow said...

The characteristics of living things are:

They are made up of cells, based on the universal genetic code (DNA), they reproduce, they grow and develop obtain and use materials and energy, respond to environment, maintain a internal environment (homeostasis), and all organisms change over time.

Miles Vinikow
Period 2

Raleigh Hopper said...

the characteristics of living things are:
all living things are made up of cells, all living things grow and develop, they obtain and use energy, they reproduce, they respond to their environment, they adapt to their environment, and maintain a stable homeostasis.

Anonymous said...

Dana Krekemeyer p.2

Living things are made of cells (
Living things obtain and use energy.
Living things grow and develop.
Living things reproduce.
Living things respond to their environment.
Living things adapt to their environment.

Anonymous said...

Emily Nall
Period 2
Living things are made of cells.
Living things are based on a genetic code.
Living things obtain and use energy.
Living things grow and develop.
Living things reproduce.
Living things respond to their
Living things maintain an internal environment.
Living things change over time

eilish said...

pd. 2
they are made up of cells, they grow and develop, they use one of two different methids of reproduction, they gather and use energy, they respond and adapt to fit their environment

Anonymous said...

Joey Gregory
Period 2

Living things are made of cells. They adapt to their environment, grow and develop, reproduce, and use an obtain energy.

Dainera Fercano said...

Living things are able to grow and change, adapt, take in and use energy, and are made up of cells.

(period 2)

Dainera Fercano said...

Living things are able to grow and change, adapt, take in and use energy, and are made up of cells.

(period 2)

justin croteau said...

Living things are made of cells (
Living things obtain and use energy.
Living things grow and develop.
Living things reproduce.
Living things respond to their environment.
Living things adapt to their environment.

Mary Garza said...

The characteristics of all living things: they are all made of cells, they're all based on the universal genetic code--DNA, they all reproduce, they grow, obtain, and use materials and energy, they respond to their environment, maintain a stable internal environment (called homeostasis), and they all evolve over time.

Period 2

ivan jimenez said...

living things are made up of cells they all use energy, grow and develop they all DNA. they reproduce and they all require water and food to live.

Andy Zelaya said...

Per. 5
All Living things are made up of cells. They are the building blocks of life. They grow and reproduce to create a new generetion. Al living things are made of the genetic code (DNA).

Anonymous said...

Bailey Deason
Period 5

Living things are made of cells and based on genetic code called DNA. Living things also obtain and use energy, and grow and develop. Living things reproduce either sexually or asexually. Living things also respond to their environment and maintain an internal environment. Lastly, living things change over time.

Marina Barnes said...

Living things are...
Made up of cells
They have to obtain energy
All start "young" and grow and devlop
Reproduce (sexual or asexual)
Respond to enviroment
Adapt to their enviroment

Marina Barnes Period 5

Anonymous said...

The characteristics of living things start with:
1. All living thing must be made of cell(s).
2. All living things must reproduce.
3. All Living things have to respond to their certain environment.
4. All living things must obtain and use energy.
5. All living things must adapt to their environment.
6. Lastly, all living things must grow and develop.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Bernard
Period 5
The characteristics of living things start with:
1. All living thing must be made of cell(s).
2. All living things must reproduce.
3. All Living things have to respond to their certain environment.
4. All living things must obtain and use energy.
5. All living things must adapt to their environment.
6. Lastly, all living things must grow and develop.

Rosalie Deliz said...

Period 5
The chracteristics of all living things are:

THey are made up of cells based on DNA, they obtain and use energy, they grow and develop, the reproduce, they respond to their environment, and they adapt to their environment.

Jack Launder said...

Living things are made of cells
Living things obtain and use energy
Living things grow and develop
Living things reproduce
Living things respond to their environment
Living things adapt to their enviornment

Anonymous said...

the characteristics are

All living things...
are made of cells
made of DNA
grow and develop
obtain materials and energy
respond to environment
maintain internal environment
change over time.

melissa period 5

Anonymous said...

Heidi kosi,
characteristics of living things are made of cells
they grow and develop, reproduce,obtain and use energy and respond and adapt to their environment.
period 5

ALi Barkouras. said...

ali barkouras P.5
1.made of cells
2.are made of DNA
4.grow and develop
5.obtain energy
6.respond to environment
7.maintain internal environment
8.change over a period of time.

Anonymous said...

1) Living things are composed of cells
2) Living things are based on a genetic code (DNA/RNA)
3) Living things obtain and use energy.
4) Living things grow and develop.
5) Living things reproduce.
6) Living things respond or adopt to their environment.
7) Living things maintain an internal environment (homeostasis) .
8) Living things change over time

TK McWhertor
Period 5