Describe the Scientific Method. List the types of variables dicussed in class.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
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Describe the Scientific Method. List the types of variables dicussed in class.
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1:49 PM
Aldo Trujillo
scientific method is basically a way to confirm or deny an idea or theory. it is made up of variables. variables are a part of a broader picture. there are three different variables, they is a controlled variable, independent variable, and the dependent variable. the controlled variable is an object or idea you first start of with and it will be the same in all the different test you do. the independent variable is the one you change or manipulate. lastly, the dependent variable is the recorded results of the manipulated change or the independent variable. in other words, the dependent variable is the result of the test/s.
I think that the Scientific Method is a way of proving wrong or right to any experiment or project, and possible to aprove or disaprove an idea or a theory. It's also a way of answering and asking a series of scientific questions by as repeated doing experiments and making observations. Basically there are six steps to the scientific method. Step one is the Observation, which is a statement about something you have noticed and a comment or remark. Step two is the Question, which is where you ask about something that has to do with an experiment or project. Step three is the Hypothesis, which is a guess answer to what will happen in the project or experiment. Step four is the Data, which is the recordings of your results to put on a graph. Step five is the Conclusion, which is to state whether your prediction was confirmed or not. Step six and the last step of the Scientific Method is the Method, which is a procedure or project of attaining an object. Other ways are doing Background Research, and Testing your hypothesis by doing your experiment. The variables are any factors, traits, or conditions that can exist in differing amounts of time. The Independent variable would be the one that is changed by the scientist, observes what happens. The Dependent variable is to see how it responds to the change made to the dependent variable. The Control variables are the quanities that a scientist wants to remain constant. My last words about it is that it's a method for which all research projects should be based.
The Scientific Method is a method used by scientists to prove or diprove any experiment. There are five basic steps to completing this. Step one, Obsevation: a statement about something you have noiced. Step two, Question: asking about something that has o do with the expirement or project. Step 3, Hypothesis: a guess to what will happen after the expirement has been performed. Step 4, Data: the recordings of your expirement, like table or graph. Step 5, Conclusion: stating whether or not your Hypothesis was accurate.
Scientific Method is a process that scientists use to investigate something, gain new knowledge, or correcting and integrating new knowledge. The scientific method consists of six steps:
1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Method- Procedure
5. Data
6. Conclusion
Scientists design an experiment so that changes to one thing cause something else to vary in a predictable way. These changing quantities are called variables. A variable is any factor or condition that can exist in different types. There ere three different types of variables, which are: dependent variable, independent variable, and control. A dependent variable is something that a scientist cannot change in an experiment. An independent variable is something that can be changed by a scientist. Controlled variables are quantities that a scientist wants to remain constant.
The scientific method is a way to have a proedure to follow. Step one is observation, and what it is its a way to have a statement that you have to notice. Step two is a question, which has to do with he project or experiment that you have to do. Step three is hypothesis, which is a guess on what you have already done to the experiment or project. Step four is the method, which is the recordings of the procedure of the experiment or project that you have done. Step five is the data, which is the graph or something that you write down to confirm if the experiment or project is correct or not. Step six is the conclusion, the only one that tells about the whole experiment or the project if it worked or not from the hypothesis that was performed. The dependent variable is the vairable that is being tested in a experiment. The independent variable is what you have control over. The control variable is a thing that stays the same in an experiment.
The Scientific Method in Science is established so that scientists can carefully experiment and gather data based on observation. It helps us to figure out why are things the way they are or why does something react. There are 6 steps: Observation, Question, Hypothesis, Method/Procedure, Data, and Conclusion. Observation is when you view something and it catches your eye. Like for example, you see a color change when you add coloring to water. That leads to the next step, Question. This is what you wonder or inquire about the observation you made; something that is in your head and you want to answer it. Will different liquids react to the water? It leads to the third step, Hypothesis. You first want to gather info about your topic of interest, and then using that info, you make a guess about what might result from it. In an example, if water changed with the coloring added, what would happen if you did the same with different types of liquids? You could say that it may change the color of the water with a high chance of it happening. After that, its time to plan how to do the experiment, and this is the Method/Procedure step. You carefully plan what to do, such as gathering water, the liquids you want to use, etc. But first, you need to decide what are your variables. There are three types: Independent, Dependent, and Control. Independent refers to the one factor that is manipulated within the testing, say the different colors. The dependent refers to what are you expecting, or the results from said Then, the last one, Control, is the one that stays the same, such as the amount of water in each jug and the number of jugs for each liquid tested. The steps could then be like this. Say the first step is pouring water inside a jug, then the next could be adding another color, like green, in the water. The third step would be to do the same, but this time you add a different liquid like juice or something along the lines of that. After doing so, you mix the jugs of water containing all kinds of liquids and watch what happens. As you do so, keep track. This is step 5, Data. Mark how many times did the water change. 1, 2 or 3 times? That depends. When you are done, use the info you gathered and go back to your hypothesis. Did it react to other liquids other than the coloring itself? Or did only certain types work? Yes or no is your answer, backed up with your data. Support why or why not. And that is the Scientific Method.
the scientific method is way of finding out if a theory, idea, or question is right,wrong,possible,or impossible. the scientific method consists of observation, question, hypothesis, method/procedure, data, and conclusion. using all of these steps you can determine the answer. Also in the scientific method you have variable that determine the outcome of your project. Independent variables is something that is changes by the scientist to observe what happens, and the dependent variable is the response to the outcome of the independent variable, and the control variable is what the scientist want to remained constant or the same.
A method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
This is Google's definition of "Scientific Method." To me the scientific method is the only way to back up an idea or theory. This is the method on which all research projects should be based. There are six steps to the scientific method. Here are the six steps. 1. Observation (something you have noticed) 2. Question. (You ask yourself something that has something to do with the experiment.3. Hypothesis (A guess of what will happen in the end of the experiment.) 4. Method/procedure. (A way of doing something. How you plan to do your experiment.) 5. Data (The results that come out [positive or negative]) 6. Conclusion. (Reject or accept) All of these steps are key. You need all of them. The scientific method is used by researchers to support or disprove a theory. (Based on data)Scientists all around the world use this method. It is very common and reliable. I know the scientific method is something I will be using throughout my daily life.
The scientific method is the method that scientists use to prove or disprove their theories and ideas. The scientific method is also a way to answer scientific questions by making observations and completing experiments. There are 6 steps that are involved in proving or disproving a hypothesis. The first is Observation, second is formulating a Question, third is composing a Hypothesis, fourth is following or creating a Method/Procedure to prove the hypothesis. Fifth is collecting Data, and sixth is forming a Conclusion that sums up the experiments and proves or disproves the hypothesis. When a scientist begins the experiments, there are a few things that the scientist can or cannot control, these are the variables. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types. There are 3 variables in the scientific method; control variable/group, independent variable(the one that is manipulated),and the dependent variable(the responding group). the control variable are the quantities that a scientist wants to keep constant, the independent variable is the one that is changed by the scientist, as he/she observes what is happening, and the dependent variable is looked at to see how it responds to the change being made to its situation.
Kevin Palmer
Per 5
The scientific method is a way to submit results and conduct experiments that is accepted everywhere in the world. There are six main steps to the scientific method. The first step is observe. This means that you need to observe something before you start an experiment. The second step is you need to formulate a question based on your observations. The third step is you need to make a hypothesis, or an educated guess. The fourth step is create a method or procedure in which you will collect you data. The fifth step is to collect your data. The sixth and final step is to form a conclusion about your experiment and prove your hypothesis right or wrong. This can sometimes include a chart or graph to display your data. It an experiment, there are 3 main variable that take place. The first is the control, it is the one that the scientist does not make any changes to. The second is the independent variable, this is the one that you are changing to see some sort of reaction. The final one is dependent variable, this one is the one that reacts to the independent variable. It is also the one that he collects data on.
The scientific is the only scientific way accepted to back up a theory or idea. A scientific method is a system to prove or disapprove a idea. There are six steps to go through when dealing with the scientific method. The first step is observation, this step is when the scientist sees something and questions it. The second step is question, after the first step the scientist must make a question that he would later answer. The next step is hypothesis, the hypothesis is an educated guess made and will be later proven or disproven. After that the next step is method or procedure. This is the way the scientist goes about finding the answer to their question. The fifth step is data, data is the facts that support or reject the hypothesis. The final step is conclusion, in this step the scientists recaps on what his or her hypothesis was and if it was proven right or wrong. There are many ways about getting to proving or disproving the hypothesis, a variable is any factor, trait, or conditions that could alter the experiment. There are different types of variables, one is called control variable. This is quantities that a scientist wants to remain the same. The next one is independent variable, this is the one that is altered. Followed by that is dependent and that is the change made from the altered independent variable.
Scientific method is a method used by scientist.It used for the observation of the experiment.First it used observation. secound are problem or question. Third is hypothesis and it guess what will going happen.Fourth is Data and you keep track what did it happen. Fifth is conclusion and you write in conclusion i learn how the experiment went out and i learn the hypothesis was right or wrong.
Scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. Scientific method needs to have a hypothesis, prediction, testing, analysis, and a conclusion. A hypothesis is based on knowledge obtain while creating your question. Prediction is saying what you think will happen next to your experiment or whatever your predicting. Testing is experimenting your project, but while testing write all of your data down. Analysis involves determining what the results of the experiment show and deciding on the next actions to take. Conclusion is what you conclude in your experiment and see if your prediction or hypothesis is correct.
Zayd Nurani
Per. 5
The Scientific Method is pretty much exactly what it says "a method for science." This method is consisted of six steps the scientist has to follow in order to conduct a proper experiment. Observation is something that you see and are curious about. Then is the question, one that you want to answer at the end of the experiment. Next is your hypothesis or educated guess that you make for guessing what will conclude from that experiment. The next step is your method that you will follow to conduct the actual experiment with. The second to last step is that you need to collect the data to lead to the conclusion of your experiment which leads to the last step, conclusion. You need to state that you proved or disproved your hypothesis.
Race Chambers said...
Period 3
The scientific method is a proven(proven by the scientific method) way of solving problems with its systematic thought process:
By following these steps, you can experiement to your heart's content!Science is mainly based off of experiementing,so they had to come up with a simple go to plan that could apply to most all situations! Thats why it is named the scientific method!Thank you for reading!
Kelly Sandberg
5th Period
The Scientific Method is the only scientific way accepted to back up any idea or theory. This method is used by researchers to help them approve or disapprove any theory. All research projects are based on this method because it physically proves whether an idea is correct or not. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that is able to exist in different amounts and types. There are three types of variables, controlled, independent, and dependent. Controlled variables are the quantities that a scientist wants to remain the same. An Independent variable is manipulated or changed by the scientist to help carry out procedures in a project. A Dependent variable is the response to any changes that the Independent variable has made. Variables help to adjust the project so that a scientist may discover the answer to his question. There are six different steps to the Scientific Method. First is the Observation which is a close examination or study that has been remarked. The second is a Question which is an expression that requests more information or an answer. The third step is a hypothesis which is an educated guess to the answer of a project's question. The fourth step is a method, or procedure, in which many tests are put into action to help give more information on the question. The fifth step is the data collected from the procedure that is most often shown through graphs or charts. The final step is the conclusion which wraps up the project, giving closure to and an answer to the question. After using the Scientific Method more questions about other related subjects usually surface in a person's mind. The Scientific Method is the only sure way that scientists are able to fully prove any physical, and many mental questions.
scientific method is way to confirm or deny a theory. 1 observ sonthing
2 create a Hypothesis 3 experiment 4 gather data 5 conclusion 6 any more questions 7 repeat. that is the only way to answer questions
Hayden Felfe
Period 5
The scientific method includes 6 steps, each one if different from the either; they all create the method of science. The first step is observation, you look at what list, object, and data you have and observe that. The second step is question, you question what you have, what its capable of. The third is to hypothesis, creating a guess and question. The fourth part is method-procedure, you test your hypothesis by doing a procedure. The fifth is data, collect the information and make a chart. Last is conclusion, you conclude what your results are and what you have done in the experiment. Following these steps can help you solve many scientific problems.
Well, first there are six different steps to knowing the Scientific Method. The first is the observation, which is a close examination or study that has been remarked to what your doing. The second is a question, which is an expression that requests more information or an answer. This third step is a hypothesis, which is a guess to the answer of a project or a lab question. The fourth step is a method, or procedure, in which many tests are put into action to help give more information on the question. The fifth step is the data collected from the procedure, which is most often shown through charts and graphs. The last step is the conclusion that ends the project, giving closure to and an answer to the question. Now hopefully if you run into any trouble trying to use the scientific method you should read this!
Makayla Mitton
Period 3
The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. One of the first things that a scientist must do is to make an observation about what he is going to study. The next thing he would have to do is ask a question about what he observed. How did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? In order for the scientific method to answer the question, however, it must be about something that the scientist is going to be able to measure, usually with a number. After a question is formed, the hypothesis must be made. A hypothesis is an educated guess about how something works. A hypothesis needs to be stated in a way that can be easily measured, and it should be constructed so that it will help answer the scientist's original question. The fourth step is for the scientist to set up the method as to how he is going to go about testing his hypothesis. He needs to find out what his variables are. The independent variable (what the scientist will change when testing his hypothesis), the dependent variable (what changed with the independent variable), and then the controlled variables (the variables that will remain constant throughout the whole entire experiment to make sure that the hypothesis can be tested as accurately as possible). After the scientist has set up his method, he needs to conduct the experiment and collect the data. Data can be collected and displayed in multiple types of charts and diagrams. When the data is collected, the scientist is able to analyze them and see if the hypothesis has not been supported, the scientific method is repeated all over again until the scientist can find and draw a conclusion to his hypothesis. The final step in the scientific method is for the scientist to draw a conclusion. When the experiment has been completed, all of the data has been collected, and then the data has been analyzed and he can prove that his findings support his hypothesis, a conclusion can properly be drawn. A conclusion summarizes the results that the scientist found and how it supports or does not support the original hypothesis. Key elements in any of the set up should be summarized along with the results. A conclusion should also state whether the results contradict or support his hypothesis. The experimental procedure in itself should be summarized and evaluated. Also, the conclusion can have suggestions as to how the scientist could change the experimental method in the future if the topic were to be studied in a similar way again.
Berenice De la Rosa
Period 5
The scientific method is a way to prove the theory or idea, right or wrong with the support of research. The scientific method involves six steps: observation, question, hypothesis, method or procedure, data, and the conclusion. The variables are factors that exist while differing amounts or types. There are three types of variables; the controlling variable in which it is the variable that a scientist wants it's quantities to remain constant. The independent variable is the variable that is changed by the scientist to see what happens. The dependent variable is the variable that responds to the change of the independent variable.
Faith Bender
Period 5
The scientific method is a series of steps in which you solve a problem or answer a question. It is the only scientific way accepted to back up a theory. The first step is observation. Observation is when you asses the problem and notice what is happening in the situation. The second step is Question and is where the scientist will come up with a question about the problem that he or she will run this experiment by. The next step, Hypothesis, is the educated guess about what the results will be based on previous observations. The fourth step is Procedure or method. It is the experiment or way by which the hypothesis will be tested. Next is data. The data step is where you record your results and organize the measurements/numbers. This can be done in charts or graphs. Finally, the conclusion. The conclusion is a summary of your experiment and the results. You can state reasons for your results and think of further investigations. To conduct an experiment by use of the scientific method, you have to use variables and a control in your test. The control group is quantities that a scientist wants to remain constant. The independent variable, also known as the manipulated variable, is the one that is changed by the scientist. The dependent variable is the way to see how the control group responds to the change made to the independent variable. This variable is also called the responding variable. Without the scientific method, there would be no precise way to be used by all researchers in order to prove or disprove a theory.
scientific method is to prove if your theory or your idea is right or wrong. All of your projects should based on this this method their is six steps the observation, question, hypothesis, procedure, data and your conclusion. these steps help you prove your theory. there's three variable's. the independent variable, dependent variable, and controlled variable. the independent variable is the one that changed by the scientist observes what happens. the dependent variable is to see how it responds to the change made to the independent variable. the controlled variable is what the scientist keep the quantities the same. after that you need a conclusion which you state weather your prediction was confirmed or not and then try to explain your results. at the end of your project you need a summary. a summary is what you learned from your project. using the scientific method can also be used in experiments.
Sean Harper
The scientific method is a procedure all scientists use to make sure they have done an experiment correct. There are seven steps in the scientific method:
1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Method/Procedure
5. Data
6. Conclusion
The scientific method is a way of confirming a theory or idea as true or false. By following these steps scientists are able redo and track there work accordingly. The scientific method is shaped so that any experiment or variable can be changed without any effect to the overall procedure.
The Scientific method is the universal way to prove a theory or an idea the scientific method consists of an observation,a hypothesis, a procedure, data and a conclusion. To prove o theory you must create one by OBSERVING your surroundings and coming up with a theory. Once you create a theory you must ask yourself QUESTIONS to find solve your theory.After your question you must HYPOTHESIZE what you think will happen. After all of this you must come up with a PROCEDURE on an experiment that can prove your theory. After the experiment you must right down your DATA so that you have something to relate to. After you do all of these steps you must CONCLUDE that either your hypothesis was proven right or wrong. That is the scientific method. without it, Scientists wouldn't be able to prove their theories
Evan Hernandez
Period 5
To me the scientific method are the steps to figuring out if your idea or theory is correct or not. The variables are:
1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Method/procedure
5. Data
6. Conclusion
All these variables are steps to completing an experiment correctly. This method of doing an experiment was created to guide others through any experiment. No matter what type of experiment the scientific method can always be applied and be a helpful resource to its user.
Matthew Fisher
Period 5
The Scientific Method is basically the way you prove or disprove a scientific experiment. The scientific method involves six steps 1. Observation 2. Question 3. Hypothesis 4. Method/Procedure 5. Data 6. Conclusion. In the scientific there are 3 types of variables, independent which changes, dependent which stays the same, controlled which you control yourself. All of this is important in the scientific method and that is why it is included. Without the scientific method we would not be able to test science experiments and would just believe them as true.
The scientific method is where someone has an idea or question. Then they make an educated guess on that question called a hypothesis. Then they create an experiment or test to prove there hypothesis wrong or right. They collect data based on the experiment. After observing the results of the experiment they decide if there hypothesis was correct or incorrect. If the experiment proves it to be incorrect then sometimes another experiment is needed.
In an experiment there is three types of variables, dependent, independent and control. The independent variable is the thing that the scientist changes. The dependent variable is the result or outcome of the experiment. The controlled variable is something that the scientist controls or stays the same throw out the experiment.
Emily Kinnear
per 3
the scientific method is the steps one makes to check, prove, or disprove their prediction. The steps are:
1. Observation
2. Question
3. Hypothesis
4. Procedure (method)
5. Data
6. Conclusion
The variables in experiments are the independent, dependant, and control. The Independent variable is what the scientist changes and the dependent is what effect the independent variable has. The control is what the scientist controls inethe experiment.
Brandon Rivera period 3
The scientific method is the only accepted method to conifirm any and all theories or ideas. It is used by all scientists and is used to confirm or reject theories in all scientific branches of research. The scientific method consistes of six steps which are observation, question, hypothesis, method, data, and conclusion. It can be used as a guildline to test projects, and must be followed at all times. The scientific method also includes the three types of variables, controlled variable, independant, and dependant variable. The controlled varible is what stays the same in an experiement, an indepandant variable is what the scientest changes in the experiment, and the dependant variable is what is affected by the changes of the independant variable.
Tommesha Holt
Period 5
The scientific method is the steps you follow to make sure whatever you are trying to prove is correct. Doing these steps in a different order will not keep you as organized. With that being said, without some of these steps then there is no way that people will be able to try this themselves or believe that you are correct. These steps include observation, which is the very first thing you need. Question that way we know we are trying to solve. Hypothesis, what do we believe, and what gives us the reason to believe so. Procedure, what steps do we need to take. Data, the information we collected. Lastly, the conclusion what did we find out and was our hypothesis correct. Without these we would get no where. We also have variables; the controlled variable-the one that stays the same, the dependent variable-the outcome because of the other variables,then there's independent- which is what the scientist changes.
Scientific Method is the way that scientists conduct their experiments, and how they prove their hypothesize. the scientific method lets scholars and scientists find out the truth to the question by six steps. The First step is the observation that a scholar will make to determine their hypothesis. the next step is the Question that the scientist must ask, as their is always room for more curiosity, and questions in science. the third step is the Hypothesis, in which the scientist must make an educated guess about the question he has created. A Hypothesis and question is crucial as it helps prove a theory that a scientist has developed. the fourth step is the method/procedure that the scientist has used to do this experiment, this step is extremely important as it lets other scientists replicate the results you produced, to test a scientists theory. the fifth step is the data that the scientist produced in their experiment,
Period 3
(Accidentally Submitted the post before I was Done this is the finished one)
Scientific Method is the way that scientists conduct their experiments, and how they prove their hypothesize. the scientific method lets scholars and scientists find out the truth to the question by six steps. The First step is the observation that a scholar will make to determine their hypothesis. the next step is the Question that the scientist must ask, as their is always room for more curiosity, and questions in science. the third step is the Hypothesis, in which the scientist must make an educated guess about the question he has created. A Hypothesis and question is crucial as it helps prove a theory that a scientist has developed. the fourth step is the method/procedure that the scientist has used to do this experiment, this step is extremely important as it lets other scientists replicate the results you produced, to test a scientists theory. the fifth step is the data that the scientist produced in their experiment. the sixth and final step is the conclusion, this wraps ups the experiment and the scientist states whether the hypothesis he predicted was right or wrong according to the question he asked. two other important factors to the scientific method are the dependent and the independent variable. the independent variable is what is changed or manipulated by the scientist while the dependent variable is what responds to the change made to the independent variable. Also there is the control that is a quality that remains constant throughout the experiment.
the definition of scientific method is a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. the steps are
1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed.
3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions.
4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and experiment and/or observation. that is the scientific methid
the definition of scientific method is a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. the steps are
1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with what you have observed.
3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions.
4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and experiment and/or observation. that is the scientific methid
Olivia fox
the scientific method is simply the only scientific way to back up an idea. it includes 6 steps: observation, question, hypothesis, method, data, and conclusion. the scientific method is used by researches and scientists to support or disapprove. you will get the best result if you repeat at least three times.
Emma Kathcart
Period 5
Scientists use the scientific method to prove a hypothesis they make, and to conduct there experiments.There are 6 steps to the scientific method:
Scientists use their data do make their conclusion. A proper conclusion explained whether you agree or disagree with your hypothesis. There are also variables such as the control variable which is the part of the experiment that stays the same, the independent variable which is what gets changed in the experiment, and the dependent variable which is the result.
the scientific method is a way of showing if your experiment is right or wrong. it is a body of techniques. Scientific method is basically to be as objective as possible to see what your results are the. the scientific method is a logical and rational order of steps the 5 steps are
1. Purpose
2. Hypothesis
3. Procedure
4. Results
5. Conclusion
The conclusion is the final step in the scientific method is the conclusion. This is a summary of the experiment's results, and how those results match up to your hypothesis.
Drew Johnston
The scientific method is a way of proving a scientific experiment or any experiment right or wrong. There are 6 steps to the scientific method. the first step to this process is the observation which is a statement about something you noticed. The second step is your question which is what your experiment revolves around. The third step in the scientific method is which is a educated guess about what you think the answer to your question will be. The fourth step would be the data which you collect after you test your experiment. The fifth step is the procedure in which you explain your way of collecting your data. The sixth step is the conclusion which is basically the answer to your question. That is the scientific method
I think that the scientific method is a way to prove something wrong or right, it is made up of 6 steps and if you do those 6 steps correctly you should get a answer to you question. The first step is observation, you observe what you are looking at. The 2 step is question, ask a question about what you are looking at. The 3 step is hypothesis, you would create an educated guess on what will happen. The 4 step is procedure or method, is how you would do the experiment. The 5 step is data, crate a graph that gathers all of your data. The 6 step is conclusion, conclude what happened in your experiment. Those are the 6 steps to the scientific method and that will help you prove or deny wether your statement is true or false.
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